Decision Support System
DSS is a complex software used in monitoring centres that combines asset management, events monitoring and emergency decision making. It reduces the judgement circle during emergencies and allows the operator to make critical decisions based on dynamic alternatives. The system:​​
Presents a choice support system for emergency management in tunnels. ​​
Provides the operator with decision recommendations to deal ​with the emergency in real time. ​​​​
Reduces the decision circle and allows the operator to make critical decisions based on dynamic alternatives.​
Role UX/UI Design
Team Rayonit / GBDG
Location Italy - France
Duration 2019-2020
Design Challenge
Creating a multidimensional interface connecting several important functions for emergency management with all the functionalities in one non scrollable interface so that all the information is visible at any given time.
Showcasing real time data while creating a visual division between ongoing events and alerts as well as historic ones. ​​
Providing with clear visual decision making solutions and action plans for micro situations and macro events that could pottentially save lives in the event of emergencies.
Design Solution
Alerts and events timeline with real time data and specific urgency color coding
History overview of alerts and events in divided tabs for assigned tasks and focus
Introduction to tags specific for the event type, urgency and further management regulations
Expandeable sidebar for further actions, history overview, configurations and reports

All rights reserved by Rayonit / GBDG
Operator name, date and time information visible for further investigation over the decision making process if needed
Operation mode visible and changeable immediately in case of emergency or maintenance
Ongoing events timeline with immediate action buttons and necessary visible information
Expandable action plan steps with real time information from the event timeline
Tunnel map section with detailed information over the events locations as well as real time camera footage
Design that saves lives... literally
Being part of such an important mission was an honour and huge responsibility during the first years of my career as a ux/ui designer. It taught me a lot and also made me aware of the importance of each pixel in the matter, the relationship with clients requests and of course provided a deep understanding of our users routine and needs which made this amazing project come to life.